I have generous devotees and benefactors who like to spoil me and send me Tributes, eGiftCards and occasionally, other intriguing gifts such as this lovely charcoal sketch of me. Unique! I think it captures my essence. I imagine it took some time for l’artiste to sketch out. And he has promised to colorize it in the near future. I’ll post a link to the color version when he does.
Here is the bottom line, finsubs! All my devotees should spend time worshiping me, spend money on me. Think of ways to please me and actualize them such as sending me eGiftCards so I can spend, spend, spend. Shower me with cash Tributes! I will spend my money or eGiftCards however I desire. U will be aroused whenever U send me money, gift cards, see how I spend my money, know the control I have over U and the obsession U have with me! Feed UR obsession and spend now!

Update here, voila! The colorized version of my portrait!